The Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) spearheaded the 3rd Quarter social pension payout, held at the Camalig Command Center (CCC), Brgy. Salugan, Camalig, today, August 8, 2024.
The payout is set to accommodate a total of 4,120 eligible senior citizens from all fifty (50) barangays in the town. Each beneficiary will receive ₱3,000.
The payout aims to empower senior citizens by helping them maintain their standard of living through the provision of supplemental income. The recent financial support is expected to assist them in managing daily expenses, healthcare needs, and other essential costs.
Town Mayor, Hon. CarlosCaloy” Irwin G. Baldo Jr. also graced the event, expressing his heartfelt support and appreciation for the town’s elderly and the continued efforts of the OSCA.
Article by: Mr. Tim L. Florece, PIO