Message of the Mayor


Right information is indispensable to all especially to a growing municipality like Camalig. Information and Communication Technology tools like cellular phones are already widely used. These are not considered luxuries anymore but already a necessity in the day to the ordinary citizens. [Read More]

Message of the Vice-Mayor


Welcome to Camalig, Albay the Pinangat Capital of the Philippines!

We warmly invite you to come and enjoy and if possible live with us in our distinctive and attention-grabbing culture.

Join us in achieving our fervent dream of making Camalig.. [Read More]

LOOK: Department of Health (DOH) Development Management Officer (DMO) IV Arch. Roger M. Herrera paid a courtesy visit to Camalig Local Chief Executive, Hon. Carlos “Caloy” Irwin G. Baldo Jr., as he will temporarily be taking over the job to provide support to LGU-Camalig in terms of planning and implementation of