Message of the Mayor


Right information is indispensable to all especially to a growing municipality like Camalig. Information and Communication Technology tools like cellular phones are already widely used. These are not considered luxuries anymore but already a necessity in the day to the ordinary citizens. [Read More]

Message of the Vice-Mayor


Welcome to Camalig, Albay the Pinangat Capital of the Philippines!

We warmly invite you to come and enjoy and if possible live with us in our distinctive and attention-grabbing culture.

Join us in achieving our fervent dream of making Camalig.. [Read More]

KNOW YOUR PAMASAHE!   LGU-Camalig wishes to inform the general public of the updated fare matrix for tricycle transportation services within the municipality.   This advisory forms part of the local government’s commitment to maintain transparency and to ensure that passengers are well-informed about the standard fare rates.   Passengers are